Fred's Guestbook
This is the archive (read-only) of my old guest book.
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33 entries on 1 page(s)
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Date: 2007-05-17 18:03:46 José Valdo ( / no homepage) wrote: Congratulations Fred You are an inteligent person to develop a Lisp for Palm. I install and confirm your Lisp is very stable. Lisp is a very complicated language. When I was a student I thouth to mix C and some interest commands of Lisp. But I didn´t have time to develop this. I have a Zire 71, and I am disapointed that Palm now produces only celulars, and discontinued the Zire 72 (have a camera and voice recorder). José Valdo |
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Date: 2007-03-29 03:10:41 Jeter ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Mr.bayer, like to say injoyed your pages especily your sax page (i play bari) if my band ever gets blues in the closet down i'll record it for ya, greetings from the U.S!!! see ya in the papers, Jeter. |
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Date: 2007-03-17 15:38:31 Klaus Vollmann ( / no homepage) wrote: Hallo Herr Bayer, ich habe auf Ihrer Homepage gesehen, dass Sie Glimmlampen mit Krypton benutzen. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Hersteller für Glimmlampen mit unterschiedlichen Gasgemischen (Argon, Krypton, ...) und benötige diese Lampen zur Eichung eines Spektrometers. Kennen Sie vielleicht einen Hersteller oder eine Quelle für solchen Glimmlampen ? Viele Grüsse und vielen Dank im Voraus ! Klaus Vollmann |
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Date: 2007-02-14 18:36:32 jimmy mattear ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the sax scores fred cheers |
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Date: 2007-02-14 06:57:50 Tom Fan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I would like to say thanks for putting the elements table up it gave me a chance to see what they looked like with out searching all over the web /-. ♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô♫ô |
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Date: 2007-02-10 08:17:02 g.m. ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, Have you received my messages??? You know, the Penta... |
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Date: 2006-11-30 00:46:36 Michael Kerjman ( / wrote: I enjoy variety and subtle presentation of information covered a range of different unrelated areas. Speaking of chemical elements cannot omit suggestion that a traditional Mendeleev Chemical Elements Table provided somewhere in a corner of a page would be a very practical deed to access visualised data. A comprehensive interesting site not to miss! |
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Date: 2006-11-09 01:35:55 regine ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Fred, habe einem openBC Kontakt - Roman Anlanger - Deine homepage empfohlen. Er ist aus Wien und ein Jazz und Tenor-Sax-Fan. Davon abgesehen: Waren in Oregon auf der OOPSLA und in Kalifornien und können was erzählen. Wäre schön, sich wieder mal zu treffen... Regine |
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Date: 2006-11-09 00:53:52 Lily ( / no homepage) wrote: hi |
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Date: 2006-04-21 22:59:34 t3Xx ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for LispMe. Greetings from t3Xx |
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Date: 2006-03-26 16:20:31 Daniel Vieira ( / no homepage) wrote: What a wonderfull webpage! When I saw the Tubax I simply let my mouth open! What a sound! Thank you, Fred. Just one thing: put more sax arrangements... I'd like to play it with my Big Band here in Portugal. Bye! |
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Date: 2006-02-27 17:16:48 Mar ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello! Where did you get that all photos of chemical elements? Maybe it's yours... If these photos are yours, could you send me to my post some new photos of some chemical elements please? I'd like to have a new photo of mercury, sodium, uranium, iodine. That 4 new photos. Then I'll tell you my real email because now I told the wrong. Please write to me on that guestbook. |
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Date: 2006-02-11 03:24:43 frederic voisin ( / wrote: Really thank's for LispMe, I really like it for fun and work too I use for long ! All good surprises in your site ! Fred Voisin (France) |
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Date: 2006-01-04 10:14:26 Zakriya Mahamooth( Ceylon) ( / no homepage) wrote: I'am searching for a childhood friend, Mr Fred Bayer who visited Kandy SriLanka in 1950-1955. His father was the visiting Ear-Nose Throat Surgeon. They left to Germany after his term ended. |
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Date: 2005-12-14 01:52:44 Scott Devlin ( / no homepage) wrote: Fred.....I'm the leader of the Disney Sax Quartet here in Florida. I also have Brian Snapp (brother of Doug Snapp) as our chief arranger. We love your Blues in the Closet and your whole site! I downloaded some of your charts for us to play here at Disney!! Thank you ..... |
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Date: 2005-11-22 19:01:01 Russ Marolf ( / no homepage) wrote: biggest sax i've ever seen! what a piece of art work! good job |
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Date: 2005-09-27 08:35:11 raingrove ( / no homepage) wrote: hello! very nice website! one question: isn't Francium (Fr) in your chemical elements collection supposed to be a very radioactive substance? |
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Date: 2005-09-14 18:40:46 Radnó ( / wrote: Ez osztán a király honlap!!!! |
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Date: 2005-09-02 09:57:12 Marni ( no email / no homepage) wrote: great website |
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Date: 2005-08-28 20:13:46 Harry Keller ( / wrote: Excellent display of elements in a consistent format. I may use some of these in my work. Please contact if you object. I will credit you. More contact info on website. |
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Date: 2005-08-07 19:15:19 Mike Ferrador ( / no homepage) wrote: (sorry if someone already said this in german) How dare you keep 1.2g of an unstable element! my stomach is so upset at the thought, I need to drink a bottle of Pepto Bismol :-) |
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Date: 2005-01-12 16:14:18 Kath ( / no homepage) wrote: Hallo auch, Bin auf der Suche nach "Francium" auf deine Seite gestoßen. Eine Ergänzung: Die Dichte Franciums wird heute auf 2,5g/cm³ geschätzt. Gruß, Kath |
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Date: 2004-11-01 19:18:51 Kyle ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Fred! Cool website! I love the Tubax, and I wanna start playing it, I play clarinet, but I heard that the fingering on a sax isn't much different. Do you know where I could find a used Tubax? Write me back. Kyle Norwell |
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Date: 2004-10-30 22:12:58 Cristiano ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I did not know before LISP. I'm trying to learn it with LispME, because i think can be useful for programming on the PALM. You are doing a very good Job with LispME !!! Thank You |
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Date: 2004-08-30 15:31:30 Michael Weissleder ( / no homepage) wrote: Hallo Fred, ich bin gerade bei der Suche nach dem Stichwort VIBAS über deine Site gestolpert und kann jetzt der Versuchung nicht widerstehen, wenigstens einen Gruß loszulassen. Wenn du Lust und etwas von den ehemaligen Kollegen zu berichten hast, kannst du ja mal kurz antworten. Ansonsten Grüße aus Hamburg Michael Weissleder |
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Date: 2004-08-11 15:31:12 Klaus Theißen ( / no homepage) wrote: Sehr schöner Artikel über den Tubax. Kannte ich noch nicht. Was kostet denn so ein Instrument? Bei Handfertigung kann so etwas ja nicht gerade preiswert sein. |
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Date: 2004-07-30 15:48:19 Arnulf Marquardt-Kuron ( / wrote: Lieber Fred Bayer, ich kann Ihre Begeisterung für das Tubax nur teilen. Im vergangenen Jahr war ich so frech und habe - während eines Familienbesuchs bei meinem Bruder in München - Benedikt Eppelsheim in seiner Werkstatt auf-, be-(heimge-)sucht und konnte ein Tubas ausprobieren: Welch ein Sound! Und das ganze mit einem normalen Bariton-Sax-Mundstück. Nach einer ersten (emotionalen) Begeisterung siegte dann in einer rationalen Kosten-/Nutzen-Analyse der Verstand, und so bin ich bis heute (leider noch) nicht im Besitz eines Tubax. Nichtsdestotrotz: Ich finde es toll, dass es in unserem Land innovative und risikobereite Menschen wie Benedikt Eppelsheim gibt, die mit einem Superprodukt den Sprung in die Selbständigkeit wagen. Insofern kann ich mich Ihrem Wunsch nur anschließen und wünsche der Firma Eppelsheim für die Zukunft alles Gute. Arnulf Marquardt-Kuron P.S.: Ich spiele selbst Bariton- und Tenor-Saxophon, Anfang 2003 habe ich mit ein paar Freunden das Bonner Saxophon-Ensemble ( gegründet. |
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Date: 2004-07-01 14:38:10 Mirko ( / no homepage) wrote: LispMe macht einen verdammt coolen Eindruck. -> Könnte ich doch nur Lisp! |
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Date: 2004-06-27 20:23:07 Aga ( / wrote: Nice site! If you find some time visit mine please. |
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Date: 2004-05-26 13:10:36 Fred Bayer ( / wrote: Thanks, Steve. Yes, I played the four Tubax samples on my page. But I don't a Bb Tubax myself and I'm (currently :-) not planning to get one. However, there is Jay C. Eastons page which has a sound sample. |
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Date: 2004-05-26 12:08:23 Steve Marcus ( / wrote: Impressive homepage, Fred. The sound samples of the Eb tubax are great; I assume that you played them(?). Please notify the contrabass email list when you add MP3's of the Bb tubax. |
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Date: 2004-05-23 02:47:46 John Stewart ( / wrote: "First post", I guess. I came back to the lispMe page to get the latest version since I just got a T3, and look at what I found. BTW it LispMe known to work on a Sony TH-55? Also, a pointer. I'm trying out the FITALY keyboard -- what a tremendous product. It's actually possible to code in scheme by tapping on this keyboard -- well, at least better than with Graffiti or the built-in keyboard. |
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Date: 2004-05-22 21:19:13 Fred Bayer ( / wrote: Hello friends! Please leave a message here. Fred |